The XLT-30 takes leak detection to a new level with advanced electronic amplification and filtering. An all tactile keypad along with an easy to read digital display enables even the novice to become proficient at leak detection. The advanced microprocessor enables ENHANCEMENT of the weakest sounds like those in non-metallic pipes or those in sound muffling conditions. The XLT-30 is also designed to reject most loud interfering noises like wind, motors, and traffic.
New to the filtering selection is a Notch feature that allows independent suppression of an outside interfering sound, allowing the user to selectively tune to the desired leak noise. In the Fisher tradition, the XLT-30 is affordable, tough, and simple to use while providing maximum performance. A two year limited warranty comes standard with the unit.
Dikirim Oleh :Abdullah
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Dikirim oleh : Mario, ciawi bogor, 087814311010 | Kunjungi Website
Fisher XLT-30a
Senin, 11 Mei 2015